european network of
defence-related regions


Image for Symposium on dual use cybersecurity strategies

Symposium on dual use cybersecurity strategies

23 November 2016 - Rennes, France
ENDR team

The symposium on “European Regional approaches for dual use cybersecurity strategies” was the first event organized in the framework of the ENDR and took place during the European Cyber Week.

The gathering included a “peer review” session during which representatives from regions – including ENDR members – presented the key elements of their regional dual use strategies.

Sessions focused on:
  • research, education and business links,
  • improving access to public procurement and large groups for SMEs, and
  • better synergies of public and private funding on cybersecurity.

The symposium also explored new business opportunities for cyber security in dual use markets such as smart grids, health and mobility.

For more information, please read the following summary of the symposium’s discussions.

Image for Symposium on dual use cybersecurity strategies