european network of
defence-related regions


Image for Skills in the EU Defence Ecosystem

Skills in the EU Defence Ecosystem

26-27 November 2024 - Thessaloniki - Greece
ENDR team

The European Commission in collaboration with the Hellenic Manufacturers of Defence Materiel Association (SEKPY) organizes the 2nd European Conference in Thessaloniki, Greece.


The event will take place in the context of the European Network of Defence-related Regions (ENDR), managed by European Commission DG DEFIS. The Conference will also contribute to the ENDR objective of bringing regional authorities and clusters together to share experiences and good practices in building defence-related strategies and accessing EU funding, particularly to the benefit of SMEs.

The agenda of the Conference will include welcome remarks and key-note speeches (possibly at Ministerial level), panel discussions, dedicated thematic sessions and a networking reception.

The Conference will give the opportunity to participants from a variety of sectors, such as industries, research centres of excellence, academic institutions, governmental officers, and Armed Forces personnel, to communicate and exchange experience and best practices on the skills in defence sector.

The conference will be held “in person”, on 26-27 November 2024 at the Concert Hall, in Thessaloniki, Greece.

More information will become available here soon!

Image for Skills in the EU Defence Ecosystem