european network of
defence-related regions


Skills in the EU Defence Ecosystem
26-27 November 2024
The European Commission in collaboration with the Hellenic Manufacturers of Defence Materiel Association (SEKPY) organizes the 2nd European Conference in Thessaloniki, Greece. “SKILLS IN THE EU DEFENCE ECOSYSTEM” The event will take place in th ...
European Conference Quantum technologies for Defence: Current and future capabilities
13th-14th of March 2024
The European Commission, Polish Technological Platform on Photonics, OpTecBB, Alpha RLH and Ukrainian Cluster Alliance are organising this “in person”-event on 13-14 March 2024 in Warsaw, Poland. Participants will be encouraged to exchange best ...
Conference Europe’s Naval Sector
22nd-23rd of February 2024
The European Commission, NAE Normandie and CCI Normandie together with ENDR organize a conference on Europe’s Naval Sector that will take place in Cherbourg, France on 22 & 23 February 2024. The conference will bring together thought lead ...