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Image for New study identifies Europe’s crucial technologies and their dual-use applications

New study identifies Europe’s crucial technologies and their dual-use applications

01 March 2017
ENDR team

Joint European procurement of critical raw materials and the promotion of dual-use technologies are among the recommendations of a new report released by the Commission on 20 February. The “Study on the dual-used potential of key enabling technologies” (KETs) identifies cross-cutting synergies between technologies and where Europe needs to reduce its dependence on critical imported materials. Its seven prioritised KETs range from fuel cell technology and smart supply networks to advanced materials for satellites and robotics for medical intervention. The report recommends a common mapping of required critical raw materials in Europe for sharing across different sectors. Further, it calls for supporting projects at low TRL (technology readiness level) stages to strengthen transfers between military and non‐military sectors, while boosting collaboration between military labs and civilian research to promote innovation. View the report.
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