european network of
defence-related regions


Image for EDAP: What it can offer to regions and research

EDAP: What it can offer to regions and research

15 March 2017
ENDR team

The European Defence Action Plan (EDAP) was presented to regional authorities and research stakeholders in a workshop co-organised by the European Commission, ERRIN and EURADA on 9 March. Representatives from many regions across Europe attended the event. Commission officials explained the mechanics of the EU’s Preparatory Action (PA) in defence research, whose first annual call-for-proposals will be released in May with a budget of EUR 25 million, with possibly another EUR 65 million spread over the PA’s following two years. Participants also discussed how regional authorities can use EU’s Structural and Investment Funds to promote dual use technologies and related skills. The event proved to be an excellent opportunity for regional stakeholders to learn more about upcoming funding opportunities, get acquainted with initiatives taken by other regions and provide ideas on the way forward. Go to EDAP
Image for EDAP: What it can offer to regions and research