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defence-related regions


Image for Launching the European Defence Skills Partnership on 19 June

Launching the European Defence Skills Partnership on 19 June

02 May 2018
ENDR team

At a High Level Conference on 19 June, Lowri Evans, Director General of Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs will launch the European Defence Skills Partnership. Participants from industry, academia and authorities will gather to discuss how to ensure the availability of highly advanced and rapidly changing technological skills for the defence industry, and how the creation of a common European defence skills strategy will contribute to this endeavour. The event will address topics such as education and training for defence industrial skills, EU programmes and initiatives, the use of Structural Funds for addressing skills at national and regional levels, and fostering synergies with relevant initiatives and instruments to the benefit of the sector. More information is available here
Image for Launching the European Defence Skills Partnership on 19 June