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Image for European Defence Fund: an envelope of €13 billion for 2021-2027

European Defence Fund: an envelope of €13 billion for 2021-2027

14 June 2018
ENDR team

In June 2017, the Commission presented the first version of the European Defence Fund, which has allowed defence cooperation at EU-level to be tested by means of the Preparatory Action on Defence Research (PADR) for 2017-2019, and the European Defence Industrial Development Programme (EDIDP) for 2019-2020.  Today's proposal on the European Defence Fund delivers on the commitment, made in June 2017, to scale up initial funding in the period leading up to 2020 with a more substantial fund. The new €13 billion European Defence Fund will provide €4.1 billion to directly finance competitive and collaborative research projects, particularly through grants. Beyond the research phase, €8.9 billion will be available to complement Member States' investments by co-financing the costs for prototype development and the ensuing certification and testing requirements.
Image for European Defence Fund: an envelope of €13 billion for 2021-2027