european network of
defence-related regions


Image for Defence sector contributing to regional development

Defence sector contributing to regional development

10 May 2021
ENDR team

A new study revealed that the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) have supported 972 defence related and dual use projects during the 2014-2020 programming period. 58% of these projects were labelled as dual use, and 42% as defence-related. The funded projects cover a broad range of activities, including research, innovation, technological development, facilities, infrastructure, training, business support, internationalisation and exports, and involve a range of players in the supply chain from major multinational firms to micro-SMEs. The total amount of funds allocated to the development of these projects amounted to 1.87 billion euros, of which 1.01 billion euros has been financed by ESIF. The project activities align closely with the policy objectives of the previous and forthcoming ESIF programming period, indicating that the defence sector can play a significant role in enabling the delivery of these policy objectives through accessing ESIF funding. Read more about it in the full report. Or take a look at this brochure which includes some practical tips on how to access ESIF.
Image for Defence sector contributing to regional development