european network of
defence-related regions


Artificial Intelligence Technology Cluster

Electronics, Energy, ICT, Robotics

Lithuania’s Artificial Intelligence Technology Cluster known as “Ditek” was created to boost the market position of its members by exploiting their collective AI knowledge base and skill sets.

The cluster aims for value-added by developing new AI-based products and services or improving existing ones. The dual use and defence sectors represent some 60% of its members’ activities, which range across electronics, energy, ICT and robotics.

Ditek has a strategy, linked to Lithuania’s national RIS3, to support its SMEs in defence and dual use by promoting the integration of AI technology with simulation and training, predictive maintenance, entity recognition and other dual use applications.

The cluster has ties via ICT, electronics and robotics to other defence-related entities in Europe such as the Federation of Security and Defence Industries of Latvia and the Estonian Defence Industry Association.

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