european network of
defence-related regions


Pole Mer Bretagne Atlantique


Pole Mer Bretagne Atlantic (PMBA) is a Sea Innovation Cluster established in 2005, located in Brest (Brittany, France). Defence as well as maritime security and safety are among their domains of interest. With a membership of about 350 (SMEs, large companies, academics and professional organisations), PMBA aims at facilitating the emergence of collaborative research and development projects, and support the growth of its member companies, particularly by placing new products, services and processes resulting from research on the market. Within the above context, dual use and defence-related activities are carried out to foster innovation in various sectors such as aeronautics, aerospace, electronics, ICT or robotics, all dedicated to maritime purposes.

PMBA’s territory hosts key players within the defence field, with well-established companies like Thales, Naval Group, ECA, as well as a significant part of the French naval assets with the Oceanic Strategic Force (FOST), including nuclear submarines. PMBA has close links with other French, European and international clusters.

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