european network of
defence-related regions

Regional organisations & clusters

ENDR brings together defence-related regional organisations and clusters with SMEs, suppliers, manufacturers and other key stakeholders. Explore the map to find a defence-related organisation that could help your dual-use activities. Or join the network.

Belgium > Brussels Flemish Aerospace Group - FLAG
Belgium > Isnes MecaTech Cluster
Belgium > Louvain-La-Neuve NCP Wallonie
Belgium > Wavre SKYWIN Wallonie
Bulgaria > Sofia CASTRA
France > 13100 AIX-EN-PROVENCE, FRANCE SAFE - Security and Aerospace actors for the Future of Earth
France > Aéroport de Paris - Le Bourget 1-3 allée de Bruxelles ASTech Paris Region
France > Cesson-Sévigné Bretagne Développement Innovation
France > Lannion Photonics Bretagne
France > LIMOGES European Cluster of Ceramics
France > Lyon EDEN Cluster
France > Marseille SUD Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur
France > Marseille OPTITEC
France > Mulhouse Grand E-Nov+
France > Ollioules System Factory
France > Paris GICAT
France > Paris GICAN
France > Plouzané Pole Mer Bretagne Atlantique
France > Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray Normandie Aeroespace
France > Talence Aerospace Valley
France > Talence ALPHA RLH
France > Toulouse, France PRIMUS Défense & Sécurité
Germany > Berlin OpTecBB e.V.
Germany > Düsseldorf GSW-Netzwerk e.V.
Germany > Ostfildern Forum Aerospace Baden-Wuerttemberg
Ireland, Republic of (EIRE) > Ballsbridge IDSA
Italy > Perugia Umbria Aerospace Cluster
Norway > Oslo FSi
Poland > Rzeszow Aviation Valley Association
Romania > Bucharest Romanian Cluster PROECO-CBRNE
Romania > Bucharest Dual Use Cluster
Slovenia > Maribor TECES, Green Tech Cluster